
单位:国家asic工程中心 电话: 出生年月:1980-11-01 邮箱:caopeng@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址:四牌楼校区逸夫科技馆北5楼 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工
  • 基本信息
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  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
东南大学集成电路学院,副教授,博导,任职于东南大学集成电路学院国家asic工程中心,长期专注于宽电压电路时序分析和签核方法研究,近5年来在ieee tvlsi,ieee tcad, dac, iccad, asp-dac,iscas等电路设计和eda领域顶级期刊和会议发表论文20余篇,并获2021年和2022年 asp-dac会议最佳论文提名,担任ieee tcas-i, tcas-ii, tcad, tvlsi,integration,microelectronics reliability等期刊审稿人,授权发明专利30余件,授权美国专利2件,作为负责人承担多项国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金课题及江苏省自然科学基金课题,依托东南大学与华大九天、国微、华为海思等国内顶尖eda企业及设计公司成立的联合实验室,作为负责人承担多个eda合作研发项目,并许可相关eda企业使用本人作为第一发明人授权的发明专利应用于产品研发,获得国家科技进步二等奖1项和江苏省科技进步一等奖1项,指导学生获得2021年全国集成电路eda设计精英挑战赛“系统静态时序分析算法”赛道一等奖。


2002.7-2010.3 东南大学电子科学与工程学院,硕博连读,获工学博士学位。


2010.3-2015.7 东南大学电子科学与工程学院,讲师;

2015.7-2023.1 东南大学电子科学与工程学院,副教授;

2023.1-至今 转至集成电路学院。







国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2022-2025; 国家重点研发计划课题光电子与微电子专项,主持,2020-2023; 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2020-2023



  1. cao peng, he guoqing, yang tai. tf-predictor: transformer-based prerouting path delay prediction framework[j]. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 2023, 42(7): 2227–2237.

shen shan, cao peng, ling ming, shi longxing. a timing yield model for sram cells at sub/near-threshold voltages based on a compact drain current model[j]. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 2023, 42(4): 1223–1234.

cao peng, yang tai, wang kai, bao wei, yan hao. topology-aided multicorner timing predictor for wide voltage design[j]. ieee design & test, 2023, 40(1): 62–69.

  1. yang tai, he guoqing, cao peng. pre-routing path delay estimation based on transformer and residual framework[c]//2022 27th asia and south pacific design automation conference (asp-dac). 2022: 184–189.(最佳论文提名)

  2. wang kai, cao peng. a graph neural network method for fast eco leakage power optimization[c]//2022 27th asia and south pacific design automation conference (asp-dac). 2022: 196–201.

  3. shen shan, cao peng, ling ming, shi longxin. a timing yield model for sram cells in sub/near-threshold voltages based on a compact drain current model [j]. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, accepted.

  4. guo jingjing, cao peng, li mengxiao, gong yu, liu z, bai g, yang j. semi-analytical path delay variation model with adjacent gates decorrelation for subthreshold circuits[j]. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 2021: 931–944.

  5. cao peng, yang tai, wang kai, bao wei, yan hao. topology-aided multi-corner timing predictor for wide voltage design[j]. ieee design test, 2021: (early access).

  6. cao peng, bao wei, wang kai, yang tai. a timing prediction framework for wide voltage design with data augmentation strategy[c]// 26th asia and south pacific design automation conference (asp-dac). 2021: 291–296.

  7. yan hao, shi xiao, xuan chengzheng, cao peng, and shi longxing. an adaptive delay model for timing yield estimation under wide-voltage range[c]// 26th asia and south pacific design automation conference (asp-dac). 2021: 272-277.(最佳论文提名)

  8. jiang haiyang, xu bingqian, cao peng, cai hao. analytical delay model in near-threshold domain considering transition time[c]//2021 ieee international conference on integrated circuits, technologies and applications (icta). 2021: 234–235.

  9. guo jingjing, cao peng, sun zhaohao, xu bingqian, liu zhiyuan, yang jun. novel prediction framework for path delay variation based on learning method[j]. electronics, 2020, 9(1): 157.

  10. guo jingjing, cao peng, li mengxiao, liu z, yang j. statistical timing model for subthreshold circuit with correlated variation consideration[c]//2020 ieee international symposium on circuits and systems (iscas). 2020: 1–5.

  11. cao peng, bao wei, guo jingjing. an accurate and efficient timing prediction framework for wide supply voltage design based on learning method[j]. electronics, 2020, 9(4): 580.

  12. bao wei, cao peng, cai hao, bu aiguo. a learning-based timing prediction framework for wide supply voltage design[c]//proceedings of the 2020 on great lakes symposium on vlsi. 2020: 309–314.

  13. guo jingjing, cao peng, wu jiangping, liu zhiyuan, yang jun. analytical gate delay variation model with temperature effects in near-threshold region based on log-skew-normal distribution[j]. electronics, 2019, 8(5): 501.

  14. cao peng, wu jiangping, liu zhiyuan, guo jingjing, yang jun, shi longxing. a statistical current and delay model based on log-skew-normal distribution for low voltage region[c]//proceedings of the 2019 on great lakes symposium on vlsi. 2019: 323–326.

  15. cao peng, liu zhiyuan, xu bingqian, guo jingjing. a statistical timing model for cmos inverter in near-threshold region considering input transition time[c]//2019 26th ieee international conference on electronics, circuits and systems (icecs). 2019: 586–589.

  16. cao peng, liu zhiyuan, wu jiangping, guo jingjing, yang jun, shi longxing. a statistical timing model for low voltage design considering process variation[c]//2019 ieee/acm international conference on computer-aided design (iccad). 2019: 1–8.

  17. cao peng, liu zhiyuan, guo jingjing, wu jiangping. an analytical gate delay model in near/subthreshold domain considering process variation[j]. ieee access, 2019, 7: 171515–171524.

  18. cao peng, liu zhiyuan, guo jingjing, pang haoyu, wu jiangping, yang jun. accurate and efficient interdependent timing model for flip-flop in wide voltage region[c]//2019 17th ieee international new circuits and systems conference (newcas). 2019: 1–4.

  19. guo jingjing, cao peng, wu jiangping, xu bingqian, yang jun. path delay variation prediction model with machine learning[c]//2018 14th ieee international conference on solid-state and integrated circuit technology (icsict). 2018: 1–3.

  20. cao p, liu b, yang j, yang j, zhang m, shi l. context management scheme optimization of coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture for multimedia applications[j]. ieee transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems, 2017, 25(8): 2321–2331.


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  2. 基于神经网络的单元延时预测方法和单元延时灵敏度计算方法(zl201810940886.6,许可国内eda企业用于数字全流程eda工具开发

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  8. 一种可重构系统的动态局部重构控制器及其控制方法(zl201510890096.8)

  9. 一种基于大规模粗粒度可重构处理器的sha256实现方法及系统(zl201510886219.0)

  10. 可重构系统和可重构阵列结构及其应用(zl201510355175.9)

  11. 一种可重构系统的局部重构控制器(zl201510346718.0)

  12. 一种基于可重构技术的二维数据访问动态自适应方法(zl201410313092.9日)

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