
单位: 电话:025-83792632-8807 出生年月:1966-01-01 邮箱:xpliao@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址: 职称:博士
  • 基本信息
  • 教学授课
  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
1987年毕业于东南大学(原南京工学院)无线电系无线电技术专业并获学士学位,研究生毕业后留校任教,后在职攻读博士学位,于1998年获得东南大学微电子学与固体电子学博士学位; 2001-2002年在香港科技大学做博士后研究。





(1)基于rf mems技术的微波通讯信号的功率、相位和频率的单片集成检测系统;




15年来,负责完成和正在主持国家自然科学基金共5项、国家863计划1项和部级等纵向研究项目6项,以第一发明人获国家发明专利授权50多项;以通讯作者,指导研究生在ieee ted\edl\jmems\sensorsjmm\sensors and actuators a-physical等国际权威专业期刊发表了被sci收录学术论文80多篇,在本专业的重要国际学术会议上发表了被istp收录学术论文20多篇,出版专著1部(廖小平、张志强、易真翔、闫浩《微电子机械微波通讯信号检测集成系统》科学出版社 2016)。




[1] sen  zhang, xiaoping liao*,a c-band mems frequency discriminator with  high sensitivity and linearity,ieee electron device letters,  42(3): 410-413, 2021.

[2] jian-hua  li, xiaoping liao*, chenlei chu,electromagnetic-thermal-electric  analysis of indirectly-heated rf mems power sensors with different terminal  resistor dimensions,ieee sensors journal, 21(4): 4342-4349,  2021.

[3] jian-hua li, xiaoping liao*,  chenlei chu,a novel thermistor-based rf power sensor with wheatstone bridge  fabricating on mems membrane,ieee journal of microelectromechanical systems,  29(5): 1314-1321, 2020.

[4] sen zhang, xiaoping liao*,investigations of the thermoelectric-photoelectric  integrated power generator with i-shaped thermocouple structure and its test  structures,ieee sensors journal, 19(23): 11113-11119, 2019. 

[5] jiabin yan, xiaoping liao*, sichao jisen zhanga novel multi-source micro power generator for harvesting thermal and optical energyieee electron device letters, 40(2):349-352, 2019.

[6] jiabin yan, xiaoping liao*, sichao jisen zhangmems-based thermoelectric–photoelectric integrated power generatorieee journal of microelectromechanical systems, 28(1):1-3, 2019.

[7] chenlei chu, xiaoping liao*, chenglin lichen chen, a micro-machined phase discriminator with improved power capacity on c-band and x-band, ieee sensors journal, 19(6):2133-2139, 2019. 

[8] hao yan, xiaoping liao*chen chen, chenglin li, high-power handling analysis of a capacitive mems power sensor at x-band, ieee sensors journal, 18(13): 5272-5277, 2018.

[9] jiabin yan, xiaoping liao*, deyang yan, and youguo chen. review of micro thermoelectric generatorieee journal of microelectromechanical systems, 27(1):1-18, 2018.

[10]hao yan, xiaoping liao*, chenglin li, a dual-channel mems amplitude demodulator for on-line detection in radio relay station, ieee electron device letters38(8)1121-11242017.

[11] chenlei chu, xiaoping liao*, improved dynamic range of microwave power sensor by mems cantilever beam, ieee journal of microelectromechanical systems, 6(6):1183-1185, 2017.

[12] hao yan, xiaoping liao*, an x-band dual channel microwave phase detector based on gaas mmic technology, ieee sensors journal, 16(17): 6515-6516, 2016.

[13] juzheng han, xiaoping liao*, a compact broadband microwave phase detector based on mems technology, ieee sensors journal, 16(10): 3480-3481, 2016.

[14] yan, jiabin, xiaoping liao*, research on the response time of indirect-heating microwave power sensor, ieee sensors journal, 16(13): 5270-5276, 2016.

[15] hao yan, xiaoping liao*, the high power up to 1 w characteristics of the capacitive microwave power sensor with grounded mems beam, ieee sensors journal, 15(12): 6765-6766, 2015.

[16] juzheng han, xiaoping liao*, third-order intermodulation of an mems clamped–clamped beam capacitive power sensor based on gaas technology, ieee sensors journal, 15(7): 3645-3646, 2015.

[17]zhenxiang yi, xiaoping liao*, measurements on intermodulation distortion of capacitive power sensor based on mems cantilever beam, ieee sensors journal, 14(3): 621-622, 2014.

[18] zhenxiang yi, xiaoping liao*, hao yan, a frequency-compensation-type microwave power sensor fabricated by gaas mmic process, ieee sensors journal, 14(9):2936-2937, 2014.

[19]zhiqiang zhang,xiaoping liao*,micromachined passive bandpass filters based on gaas monolithic-microwave-integrated-circuit technology, ieee transactions on electron devices, 60(1), 221228, 2013.

[20] debo wang, xiaoping liao*, and tong liu, optimization of indirectly-heated type microwave power sensors based on gaas micromachining, ieee sensors journal, 12(5):1349-1355, 2012.

[21] debo wang, xiaoping liao*, and tong liu, a novel thermoelectric and capacitive power sensor with improved dynamic range based on gaas mmic technology, ieee electron device letters, 33(2): 269-271, 2012.

[22] zhiqiang zhang and xiaoping liao*, a thermocouple-based self-heating rf power sensor with gaas mmic-compatible micromachining technology, ieee electron device letters, 33(4): 606-608, 2012.

[23] debo wang, xiaoping liao*, and tong liu, a thermoelectric power sensor and its package based on mems technologyieee journal of microelectromechanical systems, 21(1): 121-131, 2012.

[24] zhiqiang zhang, xiaoping liao*, packaging-test-fixture for in-line coupling rf mems power sensors, ieee journal of microelectromechanical systems, 20(6): 1231-1233, 2011. 




现有博士生5人和硕士生3人,并将继续招收有志于(1)基于rf mems技术的微波通讯信号的功率、相位和频率的单片集成检测系统;(2)硅基微波和毫米波集成电路;(3)单片集成微型能量收集器及其电源管理电路的设计理论和实现方法研究的硕士研究生和博士研究生。
