
单位:mems教育部重点实验室 电话: 出生年月: 邮箱:pengcheng.liu@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址:东南大学九龙湖校区,信息电子大楼 职称:正高
  • 基本信息
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  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
现为华为紫金学者,曾获德国洪堡学者,并被任命为慕尼黑工业大学无机和金属-有机化学实验室储能研究组负责人。近年,在chem. rev., chem. soc. rev., acc. chem. res., adv. mater., angew. chem.等知名学术期刊上发表多篇代表性论文;同时受邀撰写iopscience《2023钾离子电池发展路线图》、elsevier钾基储能专著等章节。获nre young star researcher gold award by nano research & nano research energy、 vebleo fellow、中国颗粒学会优秀博士论文、江苏省颗粒学创新奖特等奖等学术奖励和荣誉。现担任sci期刊journal of energy chemistry青年编委、nano materials science客座编辑、“global conference on 3d printing and additive manufacturing”国际会议学术委员会委员等学术服务。

2011.09-2017.06     南京航空航天大学-材料加工工程专业         博士


2007.09-2011.06     南京航空航天大学-材料科学与工程专业     学士


2024.01至今           东南大学-集成电路学院                                      正高、博导


2022.01-2023.12     德国慕尼黑工业大学-化学系                             洪堡学者、储能研究组负责人


2019.08-2021.11     美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校-机械工程系         博士后


2018.12-2019.07     美国克拉克森大学-化学与生物分子工程系         博士后


第一作者或通讯作者论文- 封面文章

2.       pengcheng liu*, hongchang hao, hugo celio, jinlei cui, muqing ren, yixian wang, hui dong, aminur rashid chowdhury, tanya hutter, frédéric a. perras, jagjit nanda, john watt and david mitlin*. multifunctional separator allows stable cycling of potassium metal anodes and of potassium metal batteries. advanced materials, 2022, 34, 2105855. (back cover; *co-corresponding author)


free potassium metal anodes in a carbonate electrolyte. advanced materials, 2020, 32, 1906735. (back cover)


; *co-corresponding author)

7.       pengcheng liu,* yuan. xu, kongjun zhu,* kan bian, jing wang, xu sun, yanfeng gao, hongjie luo, li lu and jinsong liu. ultrathin vo2 nanosheets self-assembled into 3d micro/nano-structured hierarchical porous sponge-like micro-bundles for long-life and high-rate li-ion batteries. journal of materials chemistry a, 2017, 5. 8307. (front cover inside; *co-corresponding author)   

8.       yuan xu,kongjun zhu,* pengcheng liu,* jing wang, kang yan, jinsong liu, jie zhang, jun li and zhongran yao. controllable synthesis of 3d fe3o4 micro-cubes as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. crystengcomm, 2019, 21, 5050-5058. (front cover; *co-corresponding author, co-first author)

9.       liye li,pengcheng liu,kongjun zhu,* jing wang, jinsong liu, and jinhao qiu. a general and simple method to synthesize well-crystallized nanostructured vanadium oxides for high performance li-ion batteries. journal of materials chemistry a, 2015, 3, 9385. (back cover; co-first author)


10.     yang xu, maria-magdalena titirici, jingwei chen, furio corà, patrick l cullen, jacqueline sophie edge, fan kun, ling fan, jingyu feng, tomooki hosaka, junyang hu, weiwei huang, timothy i hyde, sumair imtiaz, feiyu kang, tadhg kennedy, eun jeong kim, shinichi komaba, laura lander, phuong nam le pham, pengcheng liu, bingan lu, fanlu meng, david mitlin, laure monconduit, robert g palgrave, lei qin, kevin ryan, gopinathan sankar, david o scanlon, tianyi shi, lorenzo stievano, henry tinker, chengliang wang, hang wang, huanlei wang, yiying wu, dengyun zhai, qichun zhang, min zhou, jincheng zou. 2023 roadmap for potassium-ion batteries. journal of physics: energy, 2023, 5, 021502.

11.     yu wang,pengcheng liu,*† kongjun zhu,* jing wang, kang yan and jinsong liu. one-step fabrication of in situ carbon-coated nico2o4@c bilayered hybrid nanostructural arrays as free-standing anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. electrochimica acta, 2018, 273, 1. (*co-corresponding author, co-first author)

12.     pengcheng liu, kongjun zhu,* kan bian, yuan xu, fan zhang, wei zhang, weiqing huang and jianhui zhang*. one-step and short-time synthesis of 3d nav2o5 mesocrystal as anode materials of na-ion batteries. journal of power sources, 2018, 395, 158.

13.     pengcheng liu, kongjun zhu,* kan bian, yuan xu, fan zhang, wei zhang, jianhui zhang and weiqing huang*. 3d hierarchical porous sponge-like v2o5 micro/nano-structures for high-performance li-ion batteries. journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 765, 901.

14.     pengcheng liu,* kan bian, kongjun zhu,* yuan xu, yanfeng gao, hongjie luo, li lu, jing wang, jinsong liu and guoan tai. ultrathin nanoribbons of in situ carbon-coated v3o7·h2o for high-energy and long-life li-ion batteries: synthesis, electrochemical performance and charge-discharge behavior. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2017, 9, 17002.  

15.     pengcheng liu,* kongjun zhu,* yuan xu, kan bian, jing wang, guoan tai, yanfeng gao, hongjie luo, li lu and jinsong liu. hierarchical porous and intercalation-type v2o3 for high-performance anode materials of li-ion batteries.chemistry - a european journal, , 23, 7538.  

16.     yu wang,pengcheng liu,*kongjun zhu,* jing wang and jinsong liu. hierarchical bilayered hybrid nanostructural arrays of nico2o4 nanourchins and nanowires as free-standing electrode with high loading for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. nanoscale, 2017, 9, 14979. (*co-corresponding author, co-first author)

17.     liye li,pengcheng liu,*kongjun zhu,* jing wang, guoan tai and jinsong liu. flexible and robust n-doped carbon nanofiber film encapsulating uniformly silica nanoparticles: free-standing long-life and low-cost electrodes for li- and na-ion batteries. electrochimica acta, 2017, 235, 79. (*co-corresponding author, co-first author) 

18.   19.     pengcheng liu, dehua zhou, kongjun zhu,* qingliu wu,* yifeng wang, guoan tai, wei zhang and qilin gu. bundle-like α’-nav2o5 mesocrystals: from synthesis, growth mechanism to analysis of na-ion intercalation/deintercalation abilities. nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1975. 

19.     pengcheng liu, kongun zhu,* yanfeng gao, qingliu wu, jinsong liu, jinhao qiu, qilin gu and hongjuan zheng. ultra-long vo2 (a) nanorods using the high-temperature mixing method under hydrothermal conditions: synthesis, evolution and thermochromic properties.crystengcomm, 2013, 15, 2753.


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